For the following 24 hours:

No non-steroidal anti-inflammatory medications such as ibuprofen/Naproxen

Avoid excessive alcohol

No excessive/aerobic exercise

No hot baths or hot tubs

For the first 4-6 hours avoid lying down as this can cause migration of the toxin

For the next 7 days:

No facials/chemical skin peels or laser resurfacing

Avoid massaging the areas treated

Avoid sunbeds

Avoid wearing goggles/tight fitting motorbike helmets 


  • Frown lines (between the eyes, at and above the bridge of the nose)

  • Worry lines (horizontal lines across the forehead). Only treatable in conjunction with frown lines

  • Crow’s feet or smile lines at the corner of the eyes 

At your consultation, a £50 fee is payable on prescribing your toxin however this is deducted from the final cost of your treatment which is paid in full on the day of your treatment. Card payments are preferable.

What is Botulinum Toxin?

Botulinum toxin is a naturally occurring protein produced by the bacterium Clostridium Botulinum. In a purified form, botulinum toxin is a very safe, effective treatment not only used in cosmetic clinics, but also for a number of medical conditions, including migraine and excessive sweating.  

All botulinum toxins are prescription only medicines (POM) and can only be prescribed by doctors, dentists and nurses with the prescribing qualification, following a face to face assessment and consultation with the qualified prescriber. As an Independent Nurse Prescriber, I am able to prescribe the toxin for you.  This will be completed at your consultation where we will discuss the treatment and ensure the treatment is suitable for you.   

Botulinum toxins contain albumin, which comes from human blood. No cases of contamination of licensed botulinum toxin products with infectious diseases have been reported.

How does it Work?

The toxin blocks the transition of chemical messages from the nerve to the muscle so that the muscle stays in a resting state for a period of 8 to 12 weeks on average.

This may be only a partial reduction in movement  allowing  some remaining movement or a full block in which case there is very little remaining muscular movement in the area – this very much depends on the amount administered and location of product placement –treatment may  be tailored to suit your individual requirements. Your expected treatment outcomes and whether they can be achieved will be discussed at the time of consultation.

How Long will it Last?

Results tend to last 3-4 months.  Movement will likely begin recovering from 8 weeks.  Frequent treatment at intervals of less than 3 months is not recommended. Repeating treatment when movement recovers will deliver optimum results over time. Frequency of treatments may be reduced according to the quality of your skin and your response to treatment. Should you choose not to maintain the results and not have further treatment, your muscles and skin will return to their pre-treatment state.

Does it Hurt?

A very fine needle is used and generally this treatment is not described by most as painful and can be well tolerated with no anaesthetic.  Please request an anaesthetic cream or ice, if you are nervous about needles.